Diet & Nutrition

The Impact of Caffeine on the Human Body
Oct 31, 2019
For many of us, starting the day with caffeine is non-negotiable. The thought of conversing...
The Problem with Inflammatory Foods
Oct 31, 2019
Inflammation occurs when the body finds itself under attack. If you stub your toe, for...
What are the advantages (and disadvantages) of ‘going organic’?
Aug 07, 2019
Organic farming and food production is becoming more popular and more profitable year on year,...
Vegetarian – Summer BBQ
Aug 01, 2019
The summer is upon us, which means gorgeous afternoon sun and long evenings with family...
Do You Know Your Prebiotics from Your Probiotics?
Jul 31, 2019
For many years now, ‘probiotic’ has been a common word seen in health food stores...
How is coeliac disease different from a wheat allergy?
Jul 09, 2019
To answer that, we really need to define what coeliac disease is. Coeliac disease is...
Vegetarianism – a lifestyle choice?
Jul 09, 2019
For some, becoming a vegetarian, or choosing to change your diet to solely plant-based foods...
FODMAP Foods – What Are They?
Jul 02, 2019
We are what we eat, and in which case, what we put into our body...