Is hair or blood better for a food intolerance test?

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Do you find yourself experiencing unexplained digestive problems, fatigue, or skin issues after eating certain foods? If so, you may be one of the millions of people worldwide who suffer from food intolerance. These adverse reactions, while distinct from allergies, can significantly impact quality of life. As awareness of food intolerance grows, so does the demand for reliable testing methods. However, with a range of options available, from hair analysis to blood tests, it’s crucial to understand the science behind each approach.

In this article, we look at the fundamental differences between hair and blood tests for food intolerance, examining the scientific validity and reliability of each method. 

We explain the mechanisms by which these tests operate, evaluate their accuracy, and ultimately answer the question: Which is the superior choice for identifying food intolerance

By the end of this exploration, you will be equipped with the knowledge to make an informed decision about the most suitable testing option for your needs.

What is food intolerance?

Food intolerance, also known as a non-immunoglobulin E (non-IgE) mediated food hypersensitivity or food sensitivity, is a detrimental reaction to a food or ingredient that does not involve the immune system in the same way as a food allergy. It is a digestive system response, often delayed, and its symptoms vary widely in severity and type, ranging from mild discomfort to more debilitating conditions. While not life-threatening, food intolerance can significantly impact an individual’s well-being, causing symptoms such as bloating, gas, diarrhoea, constipation, headaches, fatigue, skin problems, and more.

It’s important to distinguish between food intolerance and food allergy. Food allergies trigger an immediate immune response, involving the production of IgE antibodies, and can lead to severe reactions like anaphylaxis. Food intolerance, on the other hand, is not caused by an immune system malfunction but rather by the body’s difficulty digesting certain foods or components.

Understanding the difference between these two conditions is crucial for proper diagnosis and management. This is where food intolerance testing comes in, helping individuals identify the specific foods or ingredients that trigger their adverse reactions. But which testing method is the most reliable?

Food intolerance testing methods

Hair testing

Hair testing for food intolerance often relies on a concept called bioresonance. Bioresonance therapy is based on the idea that every cell in the body emits electromagnetic waves, and these waves can be altered when the body is exposed to substances it’s intolerant to. Proponents of this method believe that by analysing the electromagnetic signals emitted by a hair sample, they can identify which foods or substances are causing adverse reactions in the body.

The process typically involves placing a hair sample in a specialised device that measures its electromagnetic frequencies. These frequencies are then compared to a database of known frequencies for different foods and substances. Any discrepancies between the sample’s frequencies and the database are interpreted as potential food intolerances.

Hair tests may not be as accurate as a blood test but they are less intrusive and are a good indicator of foods you should consider removing or replacing in your diet.

While bioresonance therapy is used in some alternative medicine practices, it’s important to consult with your doctor or a healthcare professional to discuss whether this method is right for you and your specific needs.

Our hair tests

At Check My Body Health, we offer several hair testing options, each designed to provide insights into a range of potential intolerances and sensitivities. Our tests utilise the principles of bioresonance, analysing the electromagnetic frequencies of a hair sample to identify possible triggers.

We have three primary test options:

At-Home Hair Intolerance Tests

Body Intolerance Test

items tested

Food & drink
Animals & insects
Gut health
NEW - Anti-aging
NEW - Stress & inflammation
NEW - Sleep
NEW - Skin health
NEW - Nutrition



Complete Sensitivity Test

970 items tested

Food & drink
Environmental sensitivities
Gut health
Stress & inflammation
Skin health



Essentials Sensitivity Test

400 items tested

Food & drink
Environmental sensitivities
 Gut health
Stress & inflammation
Skin health



Hair testing is convenient, non-invasive, and affordable. We offer our hair tests as a tool for exploration and self-discovery, and we recommend using them along with guidance from healthcare professionals.


Here’s how the process works:


Blood testing

Blood testing is the most widely accepted and scientifically validated method for identifying food intolerances. This method involves analysing a blood sample for specific antibodies, known as immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies, which are produced by the immune system in response to food proteins.

When an individual has a food intolerance, their immune system may react to certain food proteins, leading to the production of IgG antibodies. These antibodies can trigger a delayed inflammatory response, leading to various symptoms associated with food intolerance. By measuring IgG antibody levels against a panel of specific foods, blood tests can help identify potential triggers.

There are four subtypes of IgG antibodies (IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, and IgG4), and it’s essential to test for all four to get a comprehensive picture of potential food intolerances. Some testing providers only measure IgG4, which may not detect all relevant reactions.

Blood tests for food intolerance are typically performed in accredited laboratories using standardised techniques, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the results. Once the results are available, a qualified healthcare professional, such as a doctor or registered dietitian, can interpret them and provide guidance on personalised dietary modifications.

Our blood tests

We recognise the importance of scientifically validated methods for identifying food intolerances. That’s why we offer a range of blood tests designed to detect specific IgG antibodies, which are key indicators of food-related reactions.

We have three blood test options to cater to different needs and budgets:

  • Food Allergy Test: This test analyses your blood for reactions to 38 common food and drink allergens. While not a food intolerance test, it’s a valuable tool for identifying true allergies, which involve a different immune response.

  • Basic Food Intolerance Test: This test assesses your IgG antibody levels against 60 common food and drink items, providing a good starting point for identifying potential triggers.

  • Advanced Food Intolerance Test: Our most comprehensive option, this test analyses 134 food and drink items, offering a broader picture of potential intolerances.

All our blood tests are conducted in accredited laboratories using standardised techniques to ensure accuracy and reliability. We provide easy-to-follow instructions for sample collection, free postage, and a pre-paid return envelope for your convenience. You can expect your results within five working days of your sample reaching our lab.

We believe that accurate diagnosis is essential for managing food intolerances effectively. Our blood tests, along with guidance from healthcare professionals, can empower you to make informed dietary choices and improve your overall well-being.

Choosing a Reliable Test Provider

It’s crucial to choose a reliable provider to ensure accurate results and proper guidance. Here are key factors to consider when selecting a test provider:

  • Laboratory Accreditation: Ensure that the laboratory processing the blood samples is accredited by a reputable organisation, such as the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) in the United States or the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) in the UK. This ensures the lab follows strict quality standards and follows best practices.

  • Qualifications of Staff: Check if the provider has qualified healthcare professionals, such as doctors, registered dietitian’s, or nutritionists, on their team to interpret the test results and provide personalised recommendations. This ensures that you receive expert guidance based on your individual needs and health history.

  • Range of Foods Tested: Look for a provider that offers a comprehensive panel of foods to be tested. This increases the likelihood of identifying all potential triggers of your intolerance symptoms.

  • Follow-up Support and Guidance: Choose a provider that offers follow-up consultations or support services to help you understand your results, make dietary changes, and manage your food intolerances effectively. This is crucial for ensuring that you can translate your test results into actionable steps for improving your health and well-being.

  • Transparency and Reputation: Research the provider’s reputation and read reviews from other users. Look for transparency in their testing methods, pricing, and refund policies.

Our reviews

We have performed over 500,000 tests across 26 countries and have a 98% customer satisfaction rating. Here’s a small sample of reviews from our happy customers.  


While blood testing stands as the gold standard for identifying food intolerances, it’s important to note that other methods exist, such as elimination diets and skin prick tests. However, these methods may have limitations. Elimination diets can be time-consuming and difficult to adhere to, while skin prick tests are primarily used to diagnose allergies, not intolerances.

It’s also worth addressing concerns about the cost of blood tests. While they may be more expensive than other testing methods, the investment is often justified by the scientific validity and reliability of the results. Remember, accurate diagnosis is crucial for effectively managing food intolerances and improving your overall health.

In conclusion, the evidence overwhelmingly supports blood testing as the most scientifically validated method for identifying food intolerances. But it is the most intrusive. A hair test can be a great way to understand which foods you should consider replacing in your diet.

Both hair and blood tests are designed so you can gain valuable insights into your food intolerances and take proactive steps towards a healthier, symptom-free life.

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