Winter berry and coconut smoothie

Winter berry and coconut smoothie

Written by: Bev Walton
Medically reviewed by: Bev Walton BSc Nutritional Science
To give you technically accurate, evidence-based information, content published on the Check My Body Health blog is reviewed by credentialed professionals with expertise in medical and bioscience fields.

In this article

With the availability of berries throughout the year, either fresh or frozen, this delicious smoothie can be made at any time. You can vary the fruit, choose raspberries or blueberries, and even blackberries (which would normally be frozen during the winter months). It makes little difference to the calorie count, or the health factor.

If you have a gluten intolerance, this is an ideal breakfast or mid-morning snack to top up energy levels.

Serves: 1 smoothie
Preparation Time: 2 minutes
Cook Time: N/A
Dietary: vegetarian, gluten free



200ml unsweetened coconut or oat milk

60g 2% low-fat Greek yoghurt

1tsp desiccated coconut

5g chia seeds

150g fresh or frozen strawberries, hulled

140g fresh or frozen red cherries, pitted

½ small banana, frozen

Ice cubes, optional



  1. Add all your ingredients gradually (as listed) into an electric blender. As a rule of thumb, you want to add the liquid first and the frozen last and everything else goes in between. Blend until smooth.
  2. Add ice cubes based on preference and serve!
  3. If you are preparing for more people other than yourself, simply double, treble or quadruple the ingredients. Make sure you know how much your blender takes, otherwise it could spill up over the worktop! Best to do them in batches.
  4. If you are not going to drink the smoothie immediately, place covered in the fridge, and when you are ready, give it a good shake and stir before consuming.

Per smoothie: Calories 310Kcal, Carbohydrates 44g, Fats 12g, Protein 11g, Fibre 11g

Article last medically reviewed : Dec 10, 2023

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